With busy lives many lives many eligible voters see the act of voting as a chore rather than a statutory right and an important necessity that will probably have an influence on their future. Whilst it is the Politicians task to influence which way the general public will vote, it the challenging
task of publicists and promotion agencies to attract people to the Poll Booths.
A successful promotional tool they may consider using is a Giant Advertising Inflatable. Used successfully to boost footfall into retail stores, festivals sporting events, and entertainment venues, Inflatables are attractive, bigger than life and highly attention seeking.
The visibility can be enhanced by decoration with informative text, which if placed on detachable banners, offers the opportunity to display different messages. Inflatables can be manufactured as a sealed product similar principle to the method of inflating and deflating a beach lilo. Or by fitting a continuous electric 240v fan blower The Giant Ballot Boxes and letter X’s are only giant when they are inflated and when deflated will fold up to fit snugly into a large sports bag making storage and transportation a relatively easy task.
All Merlin inflatable products are bespoke and we welcome your enquiries and look forward to discussing your election campaign or any other project.